home > Disneyland Paris Resort > Pictures > Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - Page 16 of 52 - << previous page : next page >>
Took the elevator up to our floor and thought it was interesting that this elevator lobby had chairs. The one we typically used all week on the west side did not.
Took the elevator up to our floor and thought it was interesting that this elevator lobby had chairs. The one we typically used all week on the west side did not. Click to switch to large image view
A map of the floor to give an idea of how it is laid out.  Our room was in the center between the two wings. Meaning as far as you could get from an elevator.
A map of the floor to give an idea of how it is laid out. Our room was in the center between the two wings. Meaning as far as you could get from an elevator. Click to switch to large image view
A look outside our window.  Starting on the left and panning to the right.
A look outside our window. Starting on the left and panning to the right. Click to switch to large image view
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